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Tag Archives: productivity

As a leader, your success is inextricably linked to the growth and development of your team. Yet, one of the Top 20 leadership mistakes that continue to plague businesses globally is the failure to invest in team development. Whether it’s due to time constraints, budget…

Recently, I was asked, “How can I ensure I create a great team?” After some reflection, I summarised it as follows: “Recruit talented individuals, provide them with excellent training, set clear objectives, inspire, and lead them.” A strong team with effective leadership will accomplish remarkable…

It may not seem obvious, but productivity is the key to profitability. It applies to us individually, to businesses and to the whole economy. For us to have the hospitals we need and want the housing, and all the other services that make up the welfare state…

You know what I find really inspirational? That the military elite (SAS, Navy Seals) and Olympic athletes build mental toughness in very similar ways. Of course, what they do is very different – one is required to operate at peak levels in the deadliest of…

In the fast-paced world of business, mastering time management is crucial for success.   For busy entrepreneurs and senior executives, effective time management means the difference between a productive day and one filled with stress and missed opportunities.  Here are key strategies to help you prioritise…

The Dangerous Comfort Zone Your comfort zone is the boundary in which you operate on a daily basis, doing things you know how to do and have typically done before. Outside that zone lie all the unfamiliar and perhaps scary experiences – the things you…

Take Action: Break the Cycle of Procrastination Have you ever told yourself, “I’ll start in six months when I’m not so busy”? We’ve all been there. But here’s the hard truth: the way you got this busy now is the same way you’ll still be…

AI-Assisted Recruitment AI has evolved exponentially, especially in the past couple of years. Now, I know it sounds like I’m exaggerating, but I believe AI will have a more profound impact on us in the next five years than the web has had in the…

Escape the Hourly Rate Trap Many businesses and sole traders are caught in the hourly pricing trap, charging for their services according to an hourly rate. If this is your business, you probably don’t know you’re caught in a trap. Everyone you know is working…

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