For many business owners and executives, the idea of taking an extended holiday can seem impossible.

The thought of being offline for two weeks or more can be daunting due to the fear of falling behind or missing out on critical business activities. If you find yourself in this situation, a mix of work and vacation, or “workation” could be the ideal solution.

A workation allows you to blend work and leisure, maintaining productivity while enjoying a change of scenery. Instead of choosing between work and vacation, you can have the best of both worlds. Whether you work one, two, three, or four days per week, a workation offers the flexibility to stay on top of your responsibilities while taking time to relax and explore. And unlike a traditional two-week holiday, a workation can be extended to four or even six weeks, providing a more substantial break without the backlog of work waiting for you upon return.

The following is intended as a checklist of things to think about if you’re planning a workation.

Planning Your Workation

  1. Choose the Right Location:
    • Home or abroad: A workation in the country you live is way easier and cheaper than abroad, allowing you to easily drive and have greatly reduced costs, less climate impact and no time zone challenges.
    • High-Speed Internet: Ensure your destination has reliable internet to support remote work.
    • Amenities for All: Look for locations that offer amenities to keep partners and children entertained, such as parks, cultural sites, and activities while you’re working.
    • Dog-Friendly Options: If you’re bringing a dog, ensure the accommodation is dog-friendly.
    • Types of Destinations: Consider different settings like countryside cottages, beachfront rentals, mountain cabins, or urban apartments.
  1. Book in Advance:
    • Secure Accommodation Early: Booking well ahead of time gives you access to the best properties and potential discounts for extended stays.
  1. Set Up a Suitable Workspace:
    • Private Work Area: Make sure there’s a designated workspace where you can work undisturbed. For couples who are both working, consider places with two separate workspaces.
    • Ergonomic Furniture: Check that the accommodation offers comfortable desks and chairs to maintain productivity and avoid discomfort. What did I miss most during my 4-week workation? My office chair!

Scheduling and Communication

  1. Realign Work Schedules:
    • Condensed Workdays: Group work into specific days (e.g., Tuesday to Thursday) to maximise long weekends.
    • Flexible Hours: Adjust your working hours to make the most of your location, finishing early to explore or enjoy local activities.
    • Family Considerations: If travelling with family, consider alternating work days between parents to manage childcare and enjoy activities.
  1. Communicate with Clients and Team:
    • Transparency: Inform your clients and team about your plans to work remotely. Set clear expectations regarding your availability and response times.
    • Delegate Tasks: Delegate routine tasks to your team to ensure business continuity.

Balancing Work and Leisure

  1. Daily Routine:
    • Structured Schedule: Establish a daily routine that balances work and relaxation. Start your day with a walk or exercise to energise yourself.
  1. Engaging Partners and Kids:
    • Activities for All: Choose a location with plenty of activities for partners and kids. This ensures they stay entertained while you work.
    • Shared Responsibilities: If both partners need to work, take turns working and spending time with the kids. Alternatively, synchronise your work schedules to enjoy family time together.
  1. Pure Vacation Time:
    • Dedicated Time Off: Plan at least one week of pure vacation without work commitments to fully recharge.

Addressing Common Concerns

  1. Fear of Backlog:
    • Stay Updated: Keep up with essential emails and tasks during your workation to prevent a backlog.
    • Prioritise Tasks: Focus on critical tasks that only you can handle. Delegate or postpone less urgent tasks.
  1. Feeling Indispensable:
    • Empower Your Team: Trust your team to manage routine matters in your absence.
    • KPIs & Reports: Agree regular reporting on projects, finance, progress and KPIs to ensure everything is on-track at a glance.
    • Essential Work Only: Concentrate on work that cannot be delayed or delegated.

Cost Considerations

  1. Budget-Friendly Options:
    • Local Destinations: Staying within the UK can significantly reduce travel costs compared to overseas trips. Plus, you avoid the hassle of long flights and jet lag.
    • Extended Stay Discounts: Many accommodations offer discounts for long-term stays. For example, booking a month-long stay on platforms like Airbnb can sometimes result in significant savings.
  1. Expense Management:
    • Plan Your Budget: Set a budget for accommodation, food, and activities. Consider preparing some meals at your accommodation to save on dining out.
    • Free and Low-Cost Activities: Explore local parks, hiking trails, and free cultural sites to keep costs down while still enjoying your surroundings.

Personal Experience: Gressingham, Lancashire

While my wife, dog, and I enjoyed our workation in the quaint village of Gressingham, Lancashire, exploring the Lake District, National Trust properties, and local cafes, you probably prefer different activities or locations. The essence of a workation is its flexibility to meet your unique preferences and needs.

Options to Consider for Your Workation

  1. Location Types:
    • Countryside Retreats: Perfect for those who love nature, hiking, and tranquillity.
    • Beachfront Rentals: Ideal for sun-seekers who enjoy water activities and beach relaxation.
    • Mountain Cabins: Great for adventurers who enjoy skiing, hiking, or simply breathtaking views.
    • Urban Apartments: Suitable for those who thrive in city environments with access to cultural activities, restaurants, and entertainment.
  1. Work Arrangements:
    • Single Workspace: If you’re the sole worker, find a quiet, dedicated space.
    • Dual Workspaces: For couples both working remotely, ensure there are separate work areas to avoid disturbances.
    • Family-Friendly Schedules: For families, consider rotating work days between parents or hiring local childcare services.
  1. Amenities and Activities:
    • Local Attractions: Research local attractions and activities to make the most of your leisure time.
    • On-Site Facilities: Look for accommodations with on-site amenities like pools, gyms, or game rooms.
  1. Travel Considerations:
    • Low Carbon Footprint: Choose destinations accessible by train or car to minimise environmental impact.
    • Pet-Friendly Travel: Ensure your transportation and accommodation are pet-friendly if bringing pets.

Final Tips

  1. Tailor to Your Needs: Your workation should reflect what you enjoy, whether it’s exploring nature, cultural activities, or simply relaxing.
  2. Flexible Work Hours: Take advantage of the flexibility remote work offers by adjusting your hours to fit in leisure activities.
  3. Clear Boundaries: Set boundaries between work time and leisure time to ensure you can fully enjoy both aspects of your workation.


A workation offers the best of both worlds – maintaining productivity while enjoying a refreshing change of scenery. By planning ahead and setting clear boundaries, you can ensure a seamless blend of work and leisure that leaves you recharged and ready to tackle your professional responsibilities without the dreaded post-vacation backlog

Action point: Plan your workation this weekend. Involve the family. When you get stuck on something that can’t work – think laterally – “What could I do to make it work?”. There’s always an answer if you look for it.