In today’s world, we’re swimming in a sea of information. Thanks to Google, ChatGPT, and a myriad of online learning platforms, mastering new skills or gathering knowledge is just a few clicks away.  Welcome to the Information Age – a stark contrast to 40 years ago when uncovering facts or learning new things meant a trip to the library or sitting in a classroom.

But here’s the kicker: Despite this wealth of information at our fingertips, many of us find ourselves spinning our wheels, not achieving as much as we’d expect.  Why?  The answer is simple yet profound: It’s not about the information; it’s about implementation! So, Mind the Implementation Gap.

Think about it.  How often do you actually follow through with your intentions, whether it’s a grand business plan or those little personal promises?  If you’re nodding along, feeling the sting of unfulfilled to-dos, you’re not alone.

The secret sauce of success isn’t just in having ideas; it’s in taking action.  Sure, even the most successful people will admit they’ve got a backlog of intentions.  But what sets them apart is their knack for tipping the scales towards doing rather than just dreaming.

Becoming a Master Implementer

So, how do we bridge the gap between intention and action?  Here are some tried-and-tested strategies to boost your implementation game:

  1. Plan with Precision: Sketch out a roadmap with clear, measurable milestones. Break your goals into bite-sized daily or weekly chunks. Remember, a goal out of sight is out of mind. Finish each day by asking, “What’s my move tomorrow to hit my key targets?”  This simple question can propel you miles ahead on the success track.
  2. Success Habits: Discipline sounds daunting, right? Instead, focus on cultivating habits – the good kind, of course. Need a nudge in the right direction? Dive into James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” for a treasure trove of tips on habit formation. Remember, it’s the small, consistent actions that lead to monumental results.
  3. Accountability is Key: It’s easy to slack off when no one’s watching. Spice up your journey with a dash of accountability. As a Business Coach, I might be biased, but regular check-ins with a coach can work wonders. No coach? No problem. Team up with an accountability buddy, but beware of the comfort zone – keep each other on your toes!
  4. Celebrate Every Win: Ever noticed how we often downplay our achievements? Time to flip the script. Embrace Steve Jobs’ wisdom: “What gets measured gets done, and what gets rewarded gets done again.” Set your sights on a goal, and plan a little victory dance for when you hit the mark. Acknowledging your wins, big or small, isn’t just about feeling good – it’s about fuelling your drive to soar even higher.

By weaving some or all of these strategies into your routine, you’ll not just Mind the Implementation Gap between knowing and doing – you’ll be building bridges to new heights of success.  So, what’s your first step going to be?