According to a recent Gallup analysis, 51% of Europe’s working population is actively job searching or watching for new opportunities.

Furthermore, the UK is ranked 16th out of 38 European countries with the most stressed workforce.

Perhaps it’s no wonder that many employees are reassessing where they work.  As we’ve recently seen reports in the media that companies have turned to increasing wages and salaries in order to attract and retain good people.

However, it’s not just pay that is driving employee dissatisfaction. It’s also burnout, stress and quality of life.

Why Burnout is damaging your business and what to do about it.  Here are 3 factors that reduce burnout and increase productivity that you can focus on.

1. Setting people up for success.

We hear a lot about employee engagement, but what does it really mean.  Well, it involves the company creating an environment where people can be successful.  In order to be successful, people need to be very clear on what success is and what is expected of them.  They need to have the right tools to do their work and a manager that collaborates with them to help them achieve their success.  This includes managing workload, removing barriers and recognising input, opinion and achievements.

2. Wellbeing.

The quest for the right ‘work-life balance’ can be a cause of great stress and burnout.  In today’s world, the gap between the two continues to narrow.  Modern ways of working have become more integrated than ever.  It’s important companies are aware of, and actively manage this integration by helping managers to help employees make their work better fit their current life situation and adjust when challenges arise.

3. Help people concentrate on their strengths.

When we do what we’re good at, and what we enjoy, we can achieve exceptional things.  And this makes us feel better about ourselves.  The best managers actively help their team members spend most of their time playing to their strengths.  And at the same time, they find support and encourage people in their teams to always develop and improve on their strengths.

As competition for talent continues to heat up, and the external factors impacting this continue to change so rapidly, it’s essential companies that wish to succeed actively focus on reducing burnout.  Attracting and retaining the right people requires a serious commitment from leadership in creating an environment where people thrive.  And the results will be increased productivity, performance and profit.