Businesses run on systems. Whether you create an approvals process, set up an accounting system, or outsource part of your operations, there are countless ways to incorporate systems into your business. Smart entrepreneurs and business leaders see the value in building great systems, including improved performance and consistency, gaining back time, increasing efficiency, and streamlining everyday processes.
Overall, implementing and improving on systems can create high growth for your business. Keep reading to learn the top tips for building great systems that make a difference for your organisation.
Determine Your Goal
The goal behind a business system will greatly impact how it functions. A system in place to help save time may look a lot different than one that reduces errors or improves consistency. Before you start mapping out a new system, write down a specific and measurable goal. You will also use this goal to determine whether or not your system is achieving the desired result. Without a clear goal in place, you are blindly creating systems without a real path for success.
Identify Necessary Actions
When you are ready to implement a new system, take inventory of everything included in a process. Make a comprehensive list of all the tasks, responsibilities, programs, processes, and people involved in completing a specific action or goal.
How are the existing tasks getting done now? Who is responsible for what? Make note of your current level of efficiency, how much time and money is spent, and existing frustrations. Then, narrow your focus to the activities you can control and systematise. An activity that requires input from a vendor or partner may not be in your direct control however, an internal process or action almost certainly is.
Analyse Current Methods
An important part of creating a great system is identifying bottlenecks in your current system or procedure. What is working for you and what is not? Document the process you use now to carry out a function, including all of the steps taken from start to finish. Also, document the results of your current procedure. This information can be used as a baseline when comparing the impact of a new system.
Create a Plan
With your goal before you and a complete review of your current procedure, you can map out a new process or system. One benefit of implementing a new system is that it forces you to take a look at every aspect of your business. You must use critical thinking skills to analyse all parts of a problem and poke holes at a potential solution.
When you think you have a solid system mapped out, it is time to pick it apart. Ask yourself the following questions when reviewing a new system:
- Can anything be done faster?
- Can you save money?
- Are all the steps necessary, or can some be eliminated?
- Will this system achieve your goal?
- Can you create a complete checklist for this system?
- How easy or difficult will it be to teach the system to a new hire?
- Can you make any aspects of the system clearer?
- Can any of the steps be automated or outsourced?
- Do your current tools and staff meet the requirements for this system?
Putting your plan into action requires filling in any gaps in your organisation. Your new system may require new hires with specific skills, upgrades to your existing tools or technology, or purchasing new software. When you have everything you need to run your system, you must teach it to all relevant employees and create a practice run.
Once you have carried out the complete process, review with all parties involved. What worked? What didn’t work? Did the system achieve the desired results? Are you closer to achieving your goal? Can the system be any simpler? Are there ways to optimise the process further? Do the results justify any associated costs? These are all important considerations when reviewing your system.
Make Improvements
The great thing about systems is that there is always room to improve. While you can create a system and let it run, forgetting about it almost entirely, it is important to review the system from time to time. Set up periodic reviews to ensure that everything is working properly for the system.
Changes to the economy, disruptions to your business, and unexpected outcomes can all impact your systems and require you to update your processes. You can also address any new opportunities to improve your system, including available technology, cost-saving techniques, and more. Taking the time to review your system offers a chance to improve it and see even better results.
If you’re not sure where to start, or how to systemise your business, get in touch for expert advice and guidance: Click Here.