The first thing to understand about selling is why people buy your particular product or service over your competitors and what it is that they really buy into. People buy only two things:
- Good feelings
- Solutions to problems
For example: People do not buy your golf lessons. They buy a vision of how good they will feel when they have successfully completed those lessons!
Your customers always buy to satisfy their own needs and desires. This important basic premise is overlooked all too often. You must see your product or service as it is perceived through the eyes of your customer instead of thinking what you think the customer wants to hear. Customers will purchase a product or service once they know it will either provide enjoyment or a solution for them.
When a customer is first considering your product or service, you need to first find out what they are wanting from you, so you understand their ‘issues’ and then you can go in with a solution. This will make the stress of selling a thing of the past because you will find satisfaction in helping other people feel they have found their best answer.
Here are a few more areas of why a customer will buy from you:
Some of the more common buying motives are:
- The need to feel secure.
- The need to feel appreciated, (a most important need).
- The need to eliminate or lessen fear, (real or perceived).
- The need to have good feelings, (happiness, fun, pleasure).
- The need to enhance self-image.
- The need to improve, grow and enjoy new experiences.
Understanding these areas that help motivate customers is key however, in order to succeed in the selling process you need to understand the customers motives when expressed to you.
By listening intently to discover your customers true motives, you can then structure your sales presentation to reinforce these motives and provide answers that meet their objectives. When a customer can clearly see that they have something to gain by purchasing your product or service, then they will gladly sign up.
Finally, if you genuinely can’t fulfil your buyers needs, refer them to someone who can, and let them know you would like to be of service to him or her in the future. It may seem as if we’re telling you to deliberately lose a sale by sending a potential customer to your competitors. However, the referrals you will get back and the reputation you will earn as an honest, sincere business person will more than compensate. Often the customer will come back to you anyway, just because he or she likes your attitude and frankness.
And remember, everyone likes to buy, but no one likes to be ‘sold.’