An objection is merely a query for more information. If the customer says it’s too expensive, don’t think you should drop the price immediately or that the product is too expensive. Believe in your product and provide the value – give more information as to why it’s not expensive – promote the benefits to your customer.
With any objection, acknowledge their view point and ask another question. Continuing the theme of price, perhaps warmly question them on why they think it’s too expensive; what their budget is; what are they comparing it to; and by how much is it too much. Taking an interest and getting them to talk is half the battle.
Don’t give up when they say ‘I’ll think about it’ or ‘I’m not sure’.
Break down the objection presented to you and answer one point at a time until the customer is satisfied you’ve resolved their query, but make sure you deal with non-price objections first. That way the price becomes less of an issue because you’ve sold the rest of the benefits first.
For example, when somebody says ‘I’ll think about it’, it’s more generally a sign that they won’t think about it and as soon as the conversation is done they will go back to focusing on other things, completely forgetting your conversation. To stop this from happening you need to specifically ask what it is they need to think about.
Make sure that you don’t speak over your customer when an objection is being raised. Listen to what is being said. That way, you can fully understand the objection and can answer more effectively.
Here’s a useful acronym to remember:
Acknowledge the objection
Question – ask questions about the their specific objection
Close – e.g. “Ok, if we can address that specific concern will you be in a position to proceed?”
This is just one part of the sales process you will go through, however if you would like to learn the full sales process and how to handle objections easily then please attend our free webinar on the 24th November to learn more. Click Here.